Note: This is a compilation of resources that I personally find useful and want to both have easy access to and share with others! These are currently sorted (probably incorrectly) in alphabetical order!
3DS Hacks Guide - A comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide to hacking your 3DS, provides instructions for every software and hardware version!
Animal Crossing Radio - Plays Animal Crossing hourly music from the game of your choice according to your current time! However, the music doesn't loop, it fades out before starting again, which may be a turn off. You can also listen to and shuffle the entire OST of the game of your choice, and playlist functionality is coming soon. It's also a downloadable Chrome extension!
A Treatise on Classpecting - A detailed and well thought out deconstruction of the classpect system in Homestuck which provides more than enough information to help you figure out your classpect and a thoughtful analysis that makes it seem like more thought was put into it than Hussie put into all of Homestuck.
Data Spreadsheet for Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Datamined information on vitrually any information you could want about the mechanics of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, conveniently organized into a spreadsheet for easy viewing!
Internet Guide - A guide to navigating an increasingly centralized internet in ways that maximize benefits to the user, such as privacy and functionality. As of writing this, it's currently unfinished, but it still contains overviews of different hardwares and operating systems, and the benefits and drawbacks of each.
Kitten Colour Point Patterns - Provides information on every possible color point phenotype that it's possible for a cat to have, including the genetics behind the expression of these phenotypes.
Purrli, the Online Cat Purr Generator - Self explanatory! You can adjust various factors, such as purr rate, purr rate variability, tone, the relative loudness of inhales and exhales, how close or far away the purrs sound, and even how frequently Purrli meows, if at all! Changes update in real time as well. The site provides very relaxing purr ambience!
Webmastery 101 - A resource that is itself made up of multiple resources: teaches some of the basics of creating your own webpage, how to surf the web safely in the age of the modern, Google-dominated internet, and a couple free html layouts.