
If you'd like to link back to me, here's my button!

Here are my friends' buttons, check them out! ::3
pastarru lee jek sene

These buttons are from sites that I really like, check these out too!
angel number 222 doko demo p2iimon moonview swifty's hq Philia995 the cave of dragonflies the non existent fandoms fandom astryl linalool lopster fish stew

The rest of these are just random buttons I like, and don't necessarily link to anywhere else.
hosted by neocities completely hand-coded made with my own two paws web design is my passion css is awesome delete twitter, make a neocities ditch social media now best viewed with a computer best viewed with open eyes this website is certified 100% cookie free powered by the void powered by dr pepper powered by a mouse in a wheel get firefox same shit, different asshole google chrome is evil lets crush capitalism i support right to repair paywalls gatekeep knowledge stop using online mbti tests nft? no fucking thanks html. learn it today i dream in html there are no bad hair days on the internet i like computer internet privacy now ban time travel now milk tea now emulate now homicide now kill me now vocaloid now minesweeper 3ds club penguin eat glue a blank button crouton.net kris where the fuck are we gay people it's ok to give your bros some love anime is gay as hell but i approve